Tuesday, 29 March 2022

The Same but Different

 so back on the bus...

Out of the door and the same route to the bus stop however after a few days of sunshine this morning was different dark and misty however it was full of bird song and totally uplifting.

Down to the bus stop and sitting on the seat taking the lockdown weight off my feet.

New time table new bus..

This one with an eco label and red seats and set into them those so important (apparently) charging points and WiFi (well they might be useful if I could remember to take a lead.

But that is not the utter delight of the new bus. It goes from my starting point ALL the way to my destination. No getting off half way to change bus, no worry about connections or standing and waiting.

So relaxing, and makes the travel time shorter.

So same route as before but different, trees and fences blown down by the wind, new fences where they have replaced, new houses, new shop signage..but the field with horses and the puddle for ducks  are still there.

The bus station is still there however my first choice of lift is relegated and I go with the escalator  as being less enclosed.

Up to the building and swish the pass and in I go.

Day over and the return journey, up the stairs on the double decker bus to discover

Tables and yet more connection points...so today was an interesting thing. But there were no familiar faces on the journey, no bus friends and no opportunities for new friends as all kept a safe non conversable distance.

1 comment:

  1. I too sadly used to mostly forget to bring a charger cable. And on a different bus company not so many options as your swanky looking eco bus there!! But I have to admit that still the best part is that single leg journey, and it will be doubly so for you without the option of the drive.
