that is the way my morning and my journey to work starts and is also the beginning of my blogging journey as well.
Let me explain, six years ago I changed job and started taking the bus to work instead of walking. I start at what still feels like silly of the night although I know many another has a far earlier wake up call. As much as the jangling of the alarm disturbs my sleep and gets me started on a new day and journey, an unrelated comment about how much time we spend sitting down rang its own bell. I suddenly though of the obvious, about how much of my life I spend going to and fro between home and work. All the chunks of my life which are taken up with that process.
And the light? Well that would be my friend Roni starting her own blog about her less geographical based journey with the Open University " Life outside the washing basket" and I thought I can do that! I can relate the bits of my life that happen in those lost hours, the fragments of other people's lives that connect in whatever way with traveling me.
So here I am at the beginning and perhaps I shall have some company along the way.
Welcome to the blogging world my friend...and yes your journey is indeed out there for the world to see and share.