Thursday, 30 January 2014

A quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour

onwards what a difference it makes.

A change to my routine for a few weeks due to a later than normal start time for work.  A bit of experimentation to see which combination of buses would best suit the new start.

First bus fifteen minuets later than normal, even emptier than the normal bus , the world a bit lighter but other than that not much alteration.

Give it a further fifteen mins and more of a change, more people in the bus station (and I regrettably find myself now feeling proprietorial about my window ledge!) and sight of the poor soul making the first cleaning pass of the day.  Now I think on it there is less mess in the morning to be cleared up now there are no seats,  I guess it was being used for late evening or very early morning junk food feasts judging by the mess often left.  Does not appear to be as popular a venue for that without the seats.

New characters appear to wonder about, a school boy (in uniform) waits each morning for the same bus as myself, not to get on it but to meet his friend. Given it is still an hour and a quarter before school starts, that is arriving early, perhaps a breakfast club?

Setting off with the sky dark blue not black and arriving with the light makes me feel the year is flying by.  Of course by the time I revert to my former hours things won't have progressed that much.

Happily for me so far my seat on the bus is still free and I do not appear to have usurped it from anyone else. Less happily the later start also requires a later finish!

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