Friday, 10 January 2020

A matter of perspective

so earlier this week as I watched the news over breakfast they mentioned an item from the papers, that the CEO's of the top 100 companies would have earned the average  annual wage for their workers in the first three days of the year.

They worked it out at about £911 and odd sum pence an hour.

Now I know how averages are worked out and I add some of the lower figures to that average, not the higher ones so I am not on that average.

A dark go back to work January morning is gloomy enough I thought without having that to think about.

Arriving at the bus stop to see a person sleeping across one of the seats with a cardboard box as a cover..well that put the whole thing into perspective.

I may not (well do not) have a massive wage but I do have a job that provides me with sufficient to my needs.  No mansion but a home that keeps me safe dry and warm.

I made the rest of my journey in a more contemplative frame of mind, less jealousy, more gratitude .

Oh and no pictures, that would not have been either polite or kind.