Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Oh no!

the dreaded timetable change announcement form the bus company.

Click on the details and open it up

Scan down for the numbers of the buses I use.

What have they changed will it mess up my commute?

Oh and the first familiar number comes up..only a change in the stand it departs from, that OK

And the next number, a change in the route and the route name but only on the part of the journey I do not use OK that fine for me at least..

No changes to the red bus for the other main part of the journey..and

Oh no, the little bus, the lovely little bus I can get on the way home for one whole stop that saves me 15 minutes walk uphill (the one with the increased gradient going up to coming down) the bus that Santa drives quite often, that elderly ladies ride with for and then with their shopping as it loops through the houses and back to the town centre...ah they have changed it.

No more loop, it will just go to the town centre bus station, turn around and go back to the other town it serves...oh no it will add in a shopping park  no use to me.

Whilst the weather is improving and perhaps I could well do with the extra exercise I shall mourn its passing alongside those for whom it is more necessity that guilty delight.

Come the winter when it is cold and wet and dark I shall be even less pleased with its absence I am sure.

Well for the couple of weeks left to the little bus I shall have to savour the ride.

I am sure there will be many others who have found similar or worse disappointments in the route and schedule changes.  I suppose there may even be a few in addition to the money saving bus company that have found changes they approve of.